2 Chronicles 29:11

My sons, do not be negligent now; for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him and serve Him, to minister before Him and to burn incense.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Blitz

As I type Trevor is greeting a bunch of middle school students who are arriving for Bair Lake's Winter Retreat - THE BLITZ http://www.blbc.com/ . He will be speaking this weekend and I look forward to hearing what God does through him. This is such a critical time in their lives and they are here this weekend because God wanted them to be here. I wonder what long-term impact these 3 days will have. In the midst of all the joy of these students coming, our family is dealing with the flu. Actually, another family on camp is too. So, I go now to hold a wimpering boy and pray for Trevor and the kids at The Blitz.

1 comment:

john, kimberly, ila, will and ruby lou said...

Yuck. :( Sorry to hear about the flu invading your home. Hopefully the bug gets wiped out quick.

Praying that the blitz is a great experience for both Trevor and the kids at camp.

Love you guys,