2 Chronicles 29:11

My sons, do not be negligent now; for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him and serve Him, to minister before Him and to burn incense.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Camp Director?

Our options have broadened. We are still looking at possibilities of right now going into international missions, but we've said from the beginning that we wondered if there might be something else first. About a week after I let my employer know I was leaving, the director of Bair Lake Bible Camp asked me if I would be interested in being a candidate for stepping in and directing, as he was stepping out into some new ventures. So directing a Bible camp is now in the mix of where God may put us. That would mean moving just a mile down the road, as they want this person to live on camp grounds. There are many details we don't know yet, and we still have a lot of praying to do, but we are excited that this may be where God wants us to "minister before Him." In a couple of weeks we will start the interview process and they want this person to start May 1st. That would be great timing. But we are keeping an open heart for whatever God wants us to do still.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

from Jay

Hi, this is Jackson. Please check out the link you see to the right of this. It's really cool. It's the one about firstgiving.


Hold it Loosely

Last night Trevor was reading 'The Fellowship of the Ring' aloud as the kids drew with crayons, paper and colored pencils spread out on the carpet. As the kids hear words they don't understand, they frequently stop Trev from reading and ask the word's meaning. At one point in the story Jackson stopped him to ask, "Daddy, what does content mean?". Sometimes I answer and sometimes Trevor does. This time as we were making eye contact trying to decide who should answer, we heard, "It means to be satisfied" - Ellie had stepped up to the plate.

What does it mean to be content? God's asking the tough questions: Will I be content wherever we live? With all the changes happening in our life I am struggling with the very thing we tell the kids all the time: hold it loosely. Though we have said from day one that this is God's home, as the reality of letting it go draws close, I see in me a temptation to strengthen my grip. So today I am praying, please Lord help me hold it loosely. Help me remember that it is Yours and that the very concept of possession is just my imagination because it's ALL Yours.

"when nothing satisfies you, hold My hand"
-Jennifer Knap

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Significance of 2 Chronicles 29:11

Well, the word is out. We are being called to stand before Him and serve Him, to minister before Him and burn incense. It's not that we have not been doing this already, it's just that He is asking us to go and do this. So, I will soon be leaving my job and we will be looking for a place to serve our Lord. It's kind of a neat position to be in. Here we are God. Where should we go? At this point, that could mean going a mile down the road or going across the world. We're not sure. But we are ready. God has been so gracious in His leading us to do this. It has been a gradual pull away from "things" and moving our whole family to a place where we are open to whatever He has. We're all tempted to fear. There are so many questions that are not answered. But there is also peace. We know that the "burn incense" part, which is representative of our prayers, is so very important in all of this. We will not hesitate to ask friends and family for prayer. And we will be in prayer more than ever. "Apart from Me, you can do nothing." Lord, the only thing I know to do right now is to cry out to You and to trust that You hear me and that You will catch and hold us. Thank You for the victory that is Yours. Thank You that we need not worry. This is all a God idea, not a good idea. We want to praise You. We want to know You. We want to see Your face. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

A Budding Photographer's Winter Portfolio

Tater took these shots a few days ago. He really loves to take pictures!