2 Chronicles 29:11

My sons, do not be negligent now; for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him and serve Him, to minister before Him and to burn incense.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

reading through the Bible

Wow, can I just say that the book of Nehemiah is incredible? Any thoughts from anyone who's read it?


Katie said...

We studied it at Ladies Bible Study in AZ- yep, it's a good one...I love the verse in Chapter 2 (vs. 17 or 18 or somewhere around there) "Let us arise and build, so they put their hands to the good work." Def. a verse that has been a theme for this season of life and time at camp. Something about that verse resonates deep within my soul- it speaks to "Esther".:)
What is sticking out for you?!

TLETJ said...


I have been struck by the repeated emphasis on Israel's tormentors, doubt-throwers and hope-stealers as they set to work to rebuild the city. Also, I am awed by the love of the word. They listened to it be read aloud for HOURS. I want to try this sometime :) And, I love Ezra's steadfast heart, his transparent brokenness and his fearlessness regarding others' opinions.